Bahana TCW : Company Profile Video

Video & Animation  |  Corporation

For almost 30 years Bahana TCW continues to be one of the biggest names in Indonesia Mutual Funds industry. Having overcame multiple challenging economic cycle, the expertise and experience of Bahana TCW is uncontested amongst its peers. In the volatile industry where agility is highly valued, we want to especially highlight Bahana TCW adaptability and resilience that placed them at the top of the market.

SANROK directed the video, from concepting, script writing, storyboard, visual asset creation, motion graphic animation, and video & sound editing.


Creative Director
Sandy Pirouzi

Content & Copywriting
Sutansyah Marahakim
Tiffany Alexandra

Ryan Bagus Irawan

Project Manager
Tito Yusuf

Account Executive
Safira Hanum


Abdan Al Khairaat
Team Notes
Bahana TCW is one of our first clients and we are honored to have the opportunity to create their company profile. Maybe because we have known them for quite a while now, the process went smoothly, which is all we hope for in a project :D

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