Pakdé Fulfillment

Branding  |  Service & Startup

Pakdé is an Indonesian fulfillment service from Indonesia since 2016. Pakdé targets fresher & younger creative product owners to fulfill their logistic and warehouse needs. It equips the product owners with an online-based, cross platform dashboard to manage their products; integrated with the warehouse management.

SANROK created the whole visual branding, stationaries, website, microsites, social media plans, videos, animations and photographies.

There’s an old habit in most Asian countries, especially in Indonesia; it’s the habit of asking the older people in your family about an information of something you’re not sure/new at. Uncles are stereotypically the ones who got asked most out of this kind of habit throughout most of Asian people.

What SANROK did is to capture the essence of that habit, translate & embed the nature of the act with Indonesian local values– to make a brand with a unique and familiar name for the main market targets.

Pakdhe/Pakde means uncle in Indonesian language. SANROK adapted Pakdhe/Pakde to Pakdé for the brand name and soul to represent a helpful individual or a company— in this case, on logistic and fulfillment things.

We also took and adapted the stereotypical Pakdhe/Pakde looks on our visuals as a bolder statement and fun gimmick for the brand; aligned as Pakdé targets the younger and fresher community.

(above) Stereotypical Indonesian Pakdhe/Pakde looks

SANROK found that a stereotypical Pakdhe/Pakde visuals mostly have one thing in common; thick moustaches. SANROK took these moustaches as a basis for the logo making of Pakdé.

Pakdé is also the company’s mascot name. He is a friendly, helping face to help you through your whole experience with Pakdé service. The reason why he’s only depicted as a face is so it can be applied to all kind of stationaries and applications; as if Pakdé has manifest the stationaries/applications himself. We called this phenomenon as Pakdéism.



SANROK made a motion graphic video for Pakdé’s. Because what could be better than a whole audio/visual experience to explain a series of information?

SANROK also create and manage Pakdé’s social media, website and microsites— working on both concept and UI/UX of the websites, and creating a standarized social visual media guideline. Check their website and social media page on these links;

Art Director
Michael Alexander
Tito Yusuf

Senior Designer
Muhammad Mirza

Sandy Pirouzi

Tiffany Alexandra

Copywriting Team
Wordshelf Studio

Social Media Partner
Binar Media

Team Notes
“Pakdé was a perfectly fun collaboration between two different team with fairly similar humour tastes and tenacity. The 360º workscope made SANROK used almost all of it’s arsenal of storytellers, designers, copywriters, coders, photographer & motion artist on the field. Pakdé is definitely one of the prominent benchmarks on SANROK’s future successful projects.”

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